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NASA Captures Comet Recently Passed By Earth On Video

Comet P/2016 BA14, which recently passed by Earth, was captured on video by NASA using radar and infrared The comet which was bout 3,000 feet in diameter passed by Earth on March 22nd. According to Geobeats News Luckily, NASA had its radar trained on its course and captured a few details about the celestial body known as P/2016 BA14. Shantanu Naidu, a postdoctoral researcher at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said, “The radar images show that the comet has an irregular shape: looks like a brick on one side and a pear on the other. We can see quite a few signatures related to topographic features such as large flat regions, small concavities and ridges on the surface of the nucleus.” At its closest reach, the comet was about 2.2 million miles away from our blue-green planet–close enough to become the third nearest comet flyby on record.