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National Park Service BTFO: Cucked Agency Ordered to Cease Using Twitter After Mocking Trump Inauguration

Victim #1: National Park Service

Reason: For being democratic shills on Twitter

Cause of Death: Fucking with the God Emperor on his day of ascension

I can hear the cries of fascism from the social justice warriors of America now. By god, Trump ordered the assholes from the NPS to cease using twitter after the agency retweeted a picture comparing Obama's crowd to his.

Guess what? In the real world, when you fuck with the boss, there are consequences. The NPS is supposed to be an apolitical agency. Since they're too incompetent to know that, I surmise the incoming Trump administration would like to make some personnel changes before letting them back onto Twitter.
After retweeting this picture, the left wing media went apeshit with joy.

Now, not so much. You're fucking fired.
Trump admin to the NPS following the twitter incident.

We have received direction from the Department through [the Washington Support Office] that directs all [Department of Interior] bureaus to immediately cease use of government Twitter accounts until further notice.
PWR parks that use Twitter as part of their crisis communications plans need to alter their contingency plans to accommodate this requirement. Please ensure all scheduled posts are deleted and automated cross-platform social media connections to your twitter accounts are severed. The expectation is that there will be absolutely no posts to Twitter.
In summary, this Twitter stand down means we will cease use of Twitter immediately. However, there is no need to suspend or delete government accounts until directed.?
This does not affect use of other approved social media platforms. We expect further guidance to come next week and we will share accordingly.
Thanks for your help!

Here are the rules for using social media by the NPS. Clearly they violated them and need to be greatly punished.



These decadent cuckolds are messing with an angry nation. A purge is coming.




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