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Orwellian Happenings: Twitter Censors Trump, Suspends New Comic Strip For Lampooning Liberal Stupidity

While reports are rolling in about Twitter censoring or curating President Trump's tweets (at least some of which Trump is aware of), outrage is building over increasingly Orwellian suspensions of conservatives - the latest being a 2 week old account which was apparently way too honest about Social Justice Warriors (activist idiots). "He He Silly Comics" (@sillyfunnycomic) set up shop over at Twitter on January 20th and began tweeting hilarious comics which immediately began picking up steam.

Here are a few examples:

And a few more (click to expand):


It was THIS comic, however, which apparently sent Twitter off the deep end:


4chan takes notice, @SillyFunnyComic stops by:

This sums it up nicely:

Since being banned on Twitter, you can find Silly Funny Comic over at

So Twitter decides to suspend the account of an artist trying to make a name for herself for no other reason than her opinions, while a bunch of pedos and the NY Antifa chapter get to keep their accounts.

I'm sure their fans are happy.

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