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PM Tells The Queen Nigeria & Afghanistan Are ‘Fantastically Corrupt’

The British Prime minister David Cameron was heard telling the Queen that the leaders of Nigeria and Afghanistan are “fantastically corrupt” The leaders of both the “fantastically corrupt” countries are coming to a summit that Dodgy Dave is hosting this week. At a Buckingham Palace reception on Tuesday afternoon to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday, a television microphone caught Cameron saying: “We’ve got some leaders of some fantastically corrupt countries coming to Britain … Nigeria and Afghanistan, possibly the two most corrupt countries in the world.” The Guardian reports: Speaking in front of the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, the House of Commons speaker, John Bercow, and the cabinet minister Chris Grayling, Cameron said: “We had a very successful cabinet meeting this morning. We talked about our anti-corruption summit. We’ve got … some leaders of some fantastically corrupt countries coming to Britain. “Nigeria and Afghanistan are possibly two of the most corrupt countries in the world.” The Queen did not respond to Cameron’s comment, turning her head away while he was speaking. However, Welby, who has worked in Nigeria, then said of that country’s leader: “But this particular president is actually not corrupt.” Welby told the Queen that “he’s trying [...]