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Police Arrest Man For Creating Parody Facebook Profile

A man from Ohio has been arrested for creating a parody Facebook page purporting to be “The City of Parma Police Department”. The Cleveland police department made the arrest, charging him with “disrupting public services”. reports: “The Parma Police Department would like to warn the public that a fake Parma Police Facebook page has been created. This matter is currently being investigated by the Parma Police Department and Facebook. This is the Parma Police Department’s official Facebook page. The public should disregard any and all information posted on the fake Facebook account. The individual(s) who created this fake account are not employed by the police department in any capacity and were never authorized to post information on behalf of the department,” the official police Facebook page states. The page posted “derogatory and inflammatory” information according to Parma police. The hoax page contained information on ways sex offenders could have their names taken off the state sex offender database, as well as information suggesting its illegal to help the homeless for three months. The parody site states: “In this particular case, we believe the material that Novak posted on the fake account crossed the line from satire to an actual risk to public safety,” he said. [...]