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Pre-CERN, Did The Philadelphia Experiment Open “Pandora’s Box”?

Many years before CERN and the Large Hadron Collider gave rise to conspiracy theories that suggest is opening portals to unknown realities, there was The Philadelphia Experiment. In 1943, a test by the US Navy (in conjunction with Nikola Tesla’s theories and possibly Albert Einstein’s) was performed in order to make a army ship invisible. If some are to be believed, the experiment went horrifically wrong and the ship teleported, ripping open a portal to other hellish realities. reports: Great minds like Albert Einstein had part in the experiment which included his Unified Field Theory (this theory is uniting the fields of electromagnetism and gravity into one field, in other words if light were bent, then space-time would be bent, effectively creating an invisible time machine). Everything was set for the test, the crew was on the boat, 2 massive Tesla Coils run through the ship, a couple of magnetic generators were installed and everything seemed normal, well as normal as it gets for crazy scientists. But then, everything went… well, let’s just say bizarre. I’ll get back to the insanity but let me first explain what the test was about. The US Navy wanted to create a special boat that had magnetic invisibility, [...]