Queen Elizabeth is offering £30,000 per year to anybody who can run her official Twitter account, according to a job posted by Buckingham Palace. According to the advertisement placed on the Queen’s official website, the royal household would like to employ a new “digital communications officer” to join the team and regularly send tweets out to the Queen’s 2.77 million followers. The Times of India reports: Tasks will include writing posts on the Queen’s social media accounts including Facebook and YouTube as well as documenting state visits, award ceremonies and Royal engagements, The Sun newspaper reported. The Royal job comes with a “comprehensive benefits package” and the perks include 15 per cent employer contribution pension scheme as well as training and “personal development”. The online advert reads: “It’s knowing your content will be viewed by millions. It’s finding new ways to maintain The Queen’s presence in the public eye and on the world stage”. “This is what makes working for the Royal Household exceptional,” it said. According to the advertisement, the right candidate must be university educated with an “eye to the future” and experience of managing websites. They also need to be “innovative and with creative flair” and have good [...]
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