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Russia Announce Discovery Of Water From Noah’s Ark

Scientists in Russia have announced the discovery of water from Noah’s Ark which they have dated back to the great flood. Scientists say the discovery proves that the Biblical account of Noah’s flood is real, and that the flood waters drained into a subterranean sinkhole known as the Kola Borehole. reports: The Kola Borehole could only go down as deep as 12km before being blocked by a mystery force. A video exposing the so-called Kola conspiracy says the established view of the earth’s makeup – crust, mantle and core – was proved wrong by the geological dig. Scientists were shocked to discover that instead of solid, dry, dense rock massive amounts of water were found. The video’s publishers, Plano Existential, claim this proves the Biblical event of Noah’s flood is a reality – and that the flood waters drained to this subterrannean sinkhole. The Biblical story of Noah’s flood has troubled theologians for centuries and not least among the questions was ‘what happened to the waters which flooded the earth’ – where exactly did they recede to? Now some Christians believe the discovery of water so far below ground explains and gives credence to the flood story not as an [...]

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