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Russia Say Turkey-ISIS Operation Uncovered

Russia have said that they have uncovered a system where ISIS militants transfer new gunmen recruits to their terror regime via cooperation with Turkey.  According to Andrey Przhezdomsky, an advisor to the head of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee: “In Turkey, there is an organized system of transferring additions to the ISIL terrorist organization [former name of IS] or the so-called Daesh, outlawed in Russia”.  Russia’s special services know all the routes of sending the recruits, he said. “The key route is via Istanbul.” reports: The gunmen are taken to a comparative apartment in a taxi and then they meet with an IS representative. They fill in a form and are checked. In case of any suspicions, the person is isolated from others and is punished. “As a rule, they are shot to death,” he said. According to Przhezdomsky, Russia’s security services know all the routes of transfer of recruited Russians to the Islamic State terrorist organization. “Russian intelligence services and law enforcement agencies have the full picture of how individual citizens of Russia get to the ranks of IS and other international terrorist organizations, as they have the sufficient arsenal of forces and means of surveillance and current control,” Przhezdomsky said. “As [...]