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Snopes Given Access To Private Facebook Profile Data

Facebook has given “fact checking” website Snopes tools to snoop on private user data in the fight against the so-called ‘fake news’ problem.  An unnamed Facebook employee confirmed that the social media giant now use Machine Learning Algorithms to directly target independent media outlets and anything considered “alt right” in order to suppress those stories from appearing on a users’ newsfeed. reports: The anonymous whistleblower also revealed that some staff members may be given behind-the-scenes access to Facebook user profiles. This means that Snopes staff members may be given the ability to view, edit, or remove user posts and ban users from using the social media website as they see fit. released their own statement regarding this news stating: “Our goal is to help empower Facebook users to better control and enhance their own online experience, and we believe that increasing the flow and visibility of accurate, vetted information is one of the best ways to do that.” In response to this troubling information, many conservatives have decided to boycott Facebook and Google, opting to use Bing and other social media sites that don’t openly censor their users.

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