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Snowden Says Destruction Of Secret CIA Torture Report Was No Mistake

Following the recent ‘revelation’ that the CIA had accidentally destroyed their only copy of a top secret report on torture, exiled NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden was quick to point out that the spy agency never does anything by mistake. The central intelligence agency’s internal watchdog, told Congress that the electronic copy of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s 6,700-page report and a hard disk were both mistakenly destroyed last year. RT reports: The comprehensive Senate torture report could be what was needed to really drive the point home about America’s use of torture and its true effectiveness. Word of the document being destroyed emerged despite Justice Department lawyers earlier assuring a federal court there were several copies in existence. The report was said to have been destroyed by the CIA inspector general’s office in an “inadvertent” fashion. What was extremely peculiar was the fact that last summer the officials had uploaded a copy onto a computer, then accidentally deleted that. As if that wasn’t enough, they have now accidentally destroyed the disk which contained the copy of the report. “I worked @CIA. I wrote the Emergency Destruction Plan for Geneva,” Snowden told his millions of global supporters over Twitter. “When the CIA [...]