For more than a decade, drinking water systems in 34 Texas communities have tested positive for excessive levels of the carcinogen arsenic. Yet, despite this and according to a new report by the Environmental Integrity Project, the state continues to claim there is no emergency nor need for an alternative water supply. In the report, the EIP recommends that Texas stop implying that arsenic in excess of federal standards is safe to drink and that the EPA revise standards to require states not to advise people to continue drinking or cooking with water that consistently falls short of federal arsenic standards. RT reports: Arsenic concentrations in several Texas water systems have exceeded standards set under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, which calls for arsenic in drinking water to be no more than 10 parts per billion (ppb). High arsenic levels affecting these 34 communities across the state, affecting some 51,000 people, have not been seriously addressed in at least the last decade, according to a new report ‒ “Don’t Drink the Water” ‒ by the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP). In addition, 31 other communities, serving approximately 30,000 people, have been in violation of the federal arsenic standard for at least [...]