Former Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge has promised there will be a “major announcement” regarding alien and UFO disclosure in the next 60 days. DeLonge spoke after being named UFO “Researcher Of The Year” by the International UFO Congress. Details about a secret project the rocker-turned-UFO investigator was working on leaked to the public last year when WikiLeaks released John Podesta’s emails which contained correspondence between DeLonge and Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager. In the emails DeLonge confided to Podesta that he had been meeting with high-level US military sources who had been helping him with his research and with material for his book, Sekret Machines. DeLonge is also on record claiming to have met aliens near Area 51, and also claims his phone has been tapped and he has been gangstalked by “shady officials.” In his acceptance speech at the International UFO Congress, he said: “There’s a lot that I can’t say, but there’s some that I can, but there will be an announcement in like 60 days. “I’m so appreciative that I’ve been acknowledged for this stuff, but I’m not done. “I’m just like you guys. I spent 20 years up all night, reading about Roswell, Dulce, Serpo, Churchill, the crashes here, Nazis building [...]