On Tuesday evening Turkey deployed 1,000 troops into Syrian territory near Jarablus in order to keep Kurdish People’s Protection Units away from the Turkish border. Turkish authorities are doing this under the cover of supposedly fighting ISIS militants in the area, but as yet they haven’t killed or captured any ISIS militants. Sputniknews.com reports: The troops have reportedly crossed into Aleppo province, according to Hawar News, along with military vehicles, heavy equipment, and mine detection gear to dismantle minefields installed by Daesh, also known as IS/Islamic State. Last month, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that the global coalition would take action against Daesh in Jarablus. Erdogan also made mention of media reports of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) Westward push toward the Turkish border. The operation is ostensibly aimed at combatting Daesh, who have fortified Jarablus. But sources tell Sputnik that Ankara may be more interested in preventing the YPG from gaining a foothold in a region of strategic importance. Hawar also reports that the Turkish troops have not engaged Daesh militants in the area, and that members of the terrorist organization have remained unresponsive to the Turkish presence. Turkey has long been fearful of YPG’s presence along its border, and has warned the group that any advance west of the Euphrates could result in a military response. The Turkish government [...]