North Yorkshire County Council have approved a bid by Third Energy to start fracking operations, despite fierce protests from members of the public. The local government voted seven to four in favour of allowing the first fracking operation in England since a 2012 country-wide ban was lifted. BBC News reports: Hundreds of protesters attended a meeting in Northallerton to voice anger at the project, which had been recommended for approval. The council’s planning committee voted seven to four in favour. A number of objections from people opposed to the plans were heard over the course of two days prior to the decision. Boos and jeers Supporters including landowners, farmers and Third Energy employees also had their say. Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth before a high-pressure water mixture is directed at rock to release the gas inside. Opponents say it can cause water contamination, earthquakes and noise and traffic pollution. Planners had recommended the Kirby Misperton plan was approved, but acknowledged the majority of representations received in consultation were objections. Vicky Perkin, a council planning officer, told the committee that of 4,420 individual representations, just 36 were in support of the application. But her report also [...]