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Universal Basic Income May Be Needed Due To Rise Of Robot Workers

Giving people free money might be the only solution when robots finally take our jobs According to Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, the British Labour is considering the idea of a universal basic income (UBI) in response to the increasing robotization of the workforce. Appearing on Monday evening at the launch of a report on UBI by the left-wing campaign group Compass, McDonnell said the group “makes an interesting case for a universal and unconditional payment to all.” RT reports: The policy, which was rejected by referendum in Switzerland on Sunday, would provide every citizen with a flat-rate unconditional income. “[UBI] could prepare our country for any revolution in jobs and technology to come – it is an idea Labour will be closely looking at over the next few years,” the shadow chancellor said. The Compass report argues the growing role of automation across many sectors may jeopardize the livelihoods of millions of low-paid workers. “Central to the case for a UBI is the way it would help prepare us for a world in which the new technological revolution, driven by artificial intelligence and robotics, will, over time, transform the nature of work and the type and number of jobs. “A UBI [...]