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US Plan To Deploy More Troops To Syria Will Worsen Crisis Iran Warns

As Iran pledges to continue support for the Syrian government, they have also warned that a US plan to deploy more troops to Syria will worsen the crisis. The Iranian Foreign Ministry said on Monday: “We have announced from the start of the Syria crisis that any foreign intervention in Syria without coordination with its government will further escalate the crisis“ Press TV reports: President Barack Obama will announce plans on Monday to send up to 250 more military personnel to the war-torn country, US administration officials have said. This would bring to 300 the total number of American troops in Syria. The White House claims its ground troops will help in the fight against Daesh terrorists. “Any dispatch of military forces must be carried out in coordination with the Syrian government,” Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaberi-Ansari told reporters in Tehran during a weekly news briefing. US plans to send more troops to Syria come in the midst of a fragile ceasefire which came close to collapse last week after foreign-backed militants pulled out of the negotiations held in Geneva. A senior official said Iran would continue to support the Syrian government if the truce broke down. Ali Akbar Velayati, an adviser [...]