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WW3: Russia Deploy Cruise Missile Ship To Syria

Russia have deployed a new cruise missile warship towards Syria on Saturday armed with Kalibr anti-ship missiles.  The Russian Defense Ministry’s head of Black Sea Fleet’s information department confirmed that the Zeleny Dol Buyan-M class corvette departed Russia’s permanent naval task force. “Today, the Zeleny Dol missile corvette and the Kovrovets minesweeper of the Black Sea Fleet left [the Crimean port of] Sevastopol to begin carrying out tasks as part of Russia’s permanent naval task force in the Mediterranean,” Vyacheslav Trukhachev said. reports: The Russian official added that the patrol ship will conduct tasks in the Mediterranean for the first time. The Russian news agency further quoted a security source in Crimea – where the Black Sea fleet is based – as saying that the corvette will join the Russian warships operating off the coast of Syria in the coming days. “The goals of the ship are not public but considering that it is carrying long-range cruise missiles, its participation in the military operation should not be excluded,” the source said. The report comes as on Saturday, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev warned against any ground intervention in Syria by countries in the US-led coalition allegedly fighting Daesh Takfiri group, [...]