An X-Files spinoff series entitled “The Lone Gunman” has surfaced, featuring a plot by the U.S. government to orchestrate a 9/11 inside job attack, just 6 months before the real attacks actually occurred. The X-Files spinoff pilot depicts a hijacked plane crashing into the World Trade Center, with government officials blaming a Middle Eastern terrorist group to justify starting a war. The episode (below) was originally aired in March 2001, before being shelved and hidden from public view: The episode depicts a staged hijacking of a passenger aircraft by a hostile faction within the U.S Government, who take control of the plane by remote control and attempt to fly it into one of the twin towers of the World Trade Center. The explanation given for this false-flag operation is given below by the John Byers’ father, Betram – a government insider who knows the truth about 9/11, but is too scared to go public with the information: John Byers: What is Scenario 12-D? We know it’s a war game scenario, that it has to do with airline counter terrorism. Why is it important enough to kill for? Bertram Byers: Because it’s no longer a game. John Byers: But if a terrorist group wants to act out this scenario, then why target [...]
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