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60-Mile ‘Gap Of The Apocalypse’ Sealed Off To Avert World War 3

Russia and the United States have reached an historic agreement to join military forces and close a 60-mile section of the border between Syria and Turkey nicknamed the “Gap of the Apocalypse” – which Prime Minister Medvedev has warned could spark World War 3 if it is not sealed off.  The 60-mile border along the Turkish-Syrian border has allowed Turkey and Saudi Arabia to secretly arm ISIS militants and al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front terrorists. reports: Upon the Obama regime witnessing for itself the full horror unleashed upon the Levant by these Islamic terrorists, this report continues, it has been furiously trying to extricate itself (politically and militarily) from the nightmare it had helped to create—which culminated this week with the first combined action of Federation and United States military forces aiding Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and their Arab allies in retaking Syria’s Menagh Military Airbase from Islamic terrorist forces, and who are now best positioned to close the “Gap of the Apocalypse” and retake the Syrian-Turkish border entirely. Being led on the ground by US Special Forces troops, and being protected from the air by Russian aircraft strategic bombings, this report notes, Kurdish YPG fighters were able to complete their victory [...]