Turkey’s devastating war against the Kurds in Turkey is part of a plan to implement the AKP-led project of Urban Change in Diyarbakir, Dr. Can Erimtan has written. Erimtan has referred to the attack on Kurds as “disaster capitalism à la Turca” (disaster capitalism in the south-east), and says it forms part of Ankara’s business plan. Sputniknews.com reports: The Kurdish peace process launched by Recep Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) back in 2009 has been eventually brought to an end by Ankara, who now has unleashed an all-out war against its own population in southeastern Turkey. “The Turkish-state-as-led-by-the-AKP has been waging all-out war against the PKK [Kurdistan Workers’ Party] ever since the June elections proved unable to produce the desired outcome. In fact, the hostilities began on 24-25 July 2015 when Turkey’s Armed Forces (TSK) undertook Operation Martyr Yalcın aimed at PKK and ISIS [Daesh] positions in northern Iraq (KRG) and northern Syria (Rojava),” Istanbul-based independent scholar Dr. Can Erimtan narrates in his article for New Eastern Outlook. Citing Human Rights Watch’s December report, the scholar calls attention to the fact that since July 2015 Kurdish civilians including women, children and elderly residents have been killed in the course of the Erdogan government’s military operation in southeastern Turkey. The severe military crackdown has led to the destruction of numerous buildings and monuments, including [...]