Industrialized Agriculture has a love affair the use of pesticides. The affair with pesticides began in the 1940s and was marketed to the American people, along with great post WWII miracle inventions such as nylon and the ball point pen. But are pesticides the root cause of modern day mental illness and other health concerns? Between 1947 and 1949, pesticide companies invested nearly $4 billion into expanding their production facilities, and made huge profits. By 1952-53, there were some 10,000 separate new pesticide products registered with the USDA, in what was labeled by journalists and historians as “The Golden Age of Pesticides.” California supplies more produce than anywhere else in the world and today, well over 33 million pounds of fumigants are used in California agriculture each year with over 9 million of cancer-causing chloropicrin alone. A disturbing new study out of UCLA’s Sustainable Technology & Policy Program found, that “these pesticides may interact to increase the health risk for California farm workers and residents” and regulators do not exercise their authority to regulate the application of multiple pesticides to prevent or decrease risks to human health. The UCLA study found that “Each of the pesticides … causes adverse health effects in humans or [...]