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If Liberal-Hawk Hillary Succeeds Obama, He Will be Missed

Obama could have underscored the dangerous delusions of the neocons and liberal hawks in his 2 administrations, but why, instead, did he allow neocon/liberal-hawk disinformation to permeate the American political belief system without challenge? And what is it about Obama that precludes him form being transparent with the American public as originally promised? Perhaps Obama is an elitist, or wants the approval of the elitists because he protects the secrets even when transparency would better serve him and the public interest. For instance, even though he was told by U.S. intelligence analysts that the Syria-sarin case was weak or bogus, he didn’t share that information with the American people. Similarly, Obama knows how distorted much of the case against Russia is regarding Ukraine. He knows the reality about the U.S.-backed coup overthrowing Ukraine’s elected government; he knows that the infamous sniper attacks on Feb. 20, 2014, leading to the putsch two days later were probably a provocation by extremist anti-government operatives; he knows that the Crimean referendum on leaving Ukraine and rejoining Russia was a legitimate expression of popular will, not the “sham” that his foreign policy officials still assert; he received intelligence briefings on who was really at fault for the shoot-down [...]