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Russia May Unilaterally Use Force On Ceasefire Violators From Tuesday

Russian military staff have warned the US they may unilaterally use force against groups “systematically” violating the Syrian ceasefire from March 22. They accuse the U.S. of dragging its feet on responding to Moscow’s proposals on rules for joint monitoring of the Syria cease-fire and response to violations, saying that delays are leading to civilian casualties. Russia Today reports: “If there is no reaction from the US to our proposals [on the control of ceasefire], starting from March 22 Russia will unilaterally apply rules provisioned in the [cessation of hostilities] deal,” the chief of the Russian General Staff’s main operations department, Sergey Rudskoy, said on Monday. The defense official added that military force will be used only after“receiving verified proof of systematical violations of obligations” to which armed groups in Syria committed as part of the deal brokered by Russia and the US in February. No action will be taken against groups that comply with the ceasefire, and targeting civilian objects is out of question, he stressed. In accordance with the agreement, Moscow sent representatives of the US a proposal in late February on how to provide for and control compliance of the ceasefire in Syria. The document called for consultations [...]