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Brussels Attack Looks Like Another False Flag. Here’s Why

Tuesday’s terrorist attacks at a Brussels airport and metro station (coincidentally next to NATO and EU headquarters) has all the hallmarks of a false flag event – designed to further the New World Order agenda to push through Orwellian domestic laws, surveillance, and justify ongoing wars in the Middle East.  Early research suggest there are four clues pointing to a false flag: the ‘convenient’ timing of the event, NATO’s involvement, the location, and the symbology around the attacks. reports: Strangely enough (or not), I was just having the thought the day before the Brussels attack happened that it had been awhile since the last major false flag attack had occurred (a few months since the2nd Paris false flag attack and the San Bernardino false flag attack). I had the distinct feeling that another one was just around the corner. When you regularly cover false flag events, you begin to see the greater pattern behind them. The New World Order manipulators need constant chaos and fear to rule, and to shape the world in the way they want. They live by their motto “Ordo ab chao” or “Order out of chaos” because they know that they can impose more restrictive laws, policies or agendas on the public when people [...]