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Western Leaders Silent After Syrian Army Defeat ISIS In Palmyra

David Cameron like other Western leaders has remained silent after ISIS suffers its biggest military defeat in more than two years, following the recapture of Palmyra by Syrian government forces. The Russian embassy in the UK has actually publicly questioned why the British government has failed to address the retaking of Palmyra from ISIS militants. If the bad guys have been removed, why are they not celebrating? Isn’t that what they wanted? Is it because it was the Syrian army, along with Hezbollah from Lebanon, the Iranians, and the Russians who finally drove the terrorists out of  the ancient city? Robert Fisk via The Independent sums it up: Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn’t they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn’t we? Less than a week after the lost souls of the ‘Islamic Caliphate’ destroyed the lives of more than 30 innocent human beings in Brussels, we should – should we not? – have been clapping our hands at the most crushing military reverse in the history of Isis. But no. As the black masters of execution fled Palmyra this weekend, Messers Obama and Cameron were as silent as the grave to which Isis have dispatched so many of their victims. [...]