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How Saudi Arabia Is Linked To 911 Terror Attacks

US analyst Daniel R. DePetris asks why Washington is hesitant to release the secret 28 pages of the 911 report. The conclusion is that the 28 pages are irrelevant in linking Saudi Arabia with Al Qaeda and the September 11 terrorist attacks of 2001. The link between the Saudis and Al Qaeda has been documented from before the attacks up until now with terrorist activities in Syria. If anything in the missing 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission Report implicates the Saudis, it is the fact that the pages are missing. Afghan freedom fighter Ahmad Shah Massoud was assassinated 2 days before 9/11   Sputnik reports: Why is Washington reluctant to release the 28 final pages of the bulky 422-page Joint Congressional report over the 9/11 terror attacks? According to Daniel R. DePetris, an associate analyst at the Raddington Group, there are no visible obstacles in the way of publishing the redacted 28-page section of the document. Even Riyadh has recently signaled that it is not against the report being in the public domain. And still the White House is cooking up excuses why there is no need to publicize the inquiry. “The 28 pages have taken on a mystical aura. The fact that the documents have been scurried away behind a [...]