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Mohammad Goes Trump

Another liberal eager to spread the gospel of America at gunpoint (a katz /

Reader Mohammed, who lives in Iran, writes to draw attention to this Roger Cohen column in The New York Times, in which Cohen derides the Trumpistas as “know-nothings.” The key graf:

American isolationism is an oxymoron because America is a universal idea. That does not change however far short of its ideals the nation may fall.

Says our friend Mohammad:

This man has such a skewed knowledge of history, yet he has this contemptuous tone about the people he disagrees with. And if your liberal readers are in any doubt that the liberals are as much prone to needless and stupid interventionism as the most die-hard neoconservative, just let them read what this man says about American as an idea.

If I read this column today, and tomorrow were the election day, I would certainly vote, and vote for Trump.