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Tony Blair Says He Will Reject And Fight War Crimes Accusations

Tony Blair has issued a scathing counter-attack on those who are calling for his arrest and demanding that he face a war crimes trial for the war in Iraq.  The former British Prime Minister told the BBC that he might reject the finding of the Chilcot inquiry if it attempts to suggest he lied to the British public in the build-up to the 2003 Iraq war. reports: Claiming he hasn’t seen a copy of the report the former Prime Minister added that he “looks forward” to participating in a debate about its findings. “Make no mistake about that,” Mr Blair said. It is understood, however, that Mr Blair and his team have had access to extracts of the report that directly refer to him through the Maxwellisation process – a system that allows access for those facing criticism from such a report and respond to its conclusions. It comes after an anonymous source last week briefed the Sunday Times and claimed that Mr Blair and other former government officials will be savaged in an “absolutely brutal” verdict on the failings of the occupation. The source added that Mr Blair “won’t be let off the hook” over claims he offered military [...]