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US Gold Market Infographic

The US Gold Market is best known as the home of gold futures
trading on the COMEX in New York. The COMEX has a literal monopoly on gold
futures trading volumes worldwide, but very little physical gold is actually
exchanged between COMEX trading participants, and gold inventories maintained
in COMEX vaults in New York are extremely low. This COMEX Gold Futures Market
infographic guides you through the largest gold futures market in the world,

New York is also storage location for nearly 6000 tonnes of
central bank gold stored in the vaults beneath the New York Federal Reserve on
behalf of customers such as the International Monetary Fund, the central Bank
of Italy, Germany's Bundesbank, and over 30 other countries. The infographic
visually profiles these gold vaults and their operators. Finally, the
infographic provides a snapshot of the US gold mining industry, centered in

Did you, for example, know that only 1 in 2500 contracts on
COMEX goes to physical delivery whereas the other 2499 contracts are
cash-settled? This corresponds to a delivery percentage of 0.04% of all gold

The US government claims to hold a fair bit of gold in
reserves but how much is it really holding?

In this infographic you will learn more about the COMEX gold
futures market considering:

  • COMEX Trading Volumes
  • Fractionally Reserved Futures Trading
  • Cash-settlement of COMEX Gold Futures Contracts
  • Eligible and Registered Gold on COMEX
  • US Treasury Gold Reserves
  • Location of US Treasury Gold Reserves
  • Foreign Gold at the Federal Bank of New York
  • US Gold Mining

You can learn more about the US Gold Market at the
BullionStar Gold University.


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