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Unlike the Twits Who Promoted the Smear Against Alternative Media, We Actually BELIEVE IN American Values

Yves Smith – who runs the respected website Naked Capitalism – has retained a top gun lawyer to sue the Washington Post for defamation unless it retracts its smear piece calling alternative media sites “Russian propaganda.”

Smith has also launched … a satirical site complaining about the lack of first-rate propaganda by the powers-that-be.

We – American alternative media who are loyal to the U.S. and no other country – fully endorse both efforts.

Unlike the knuckleheads who are attempting to shut down alternative media by lumping us in with Russian state-sponsored media, and the twits who wrote and approved the Washington Post smear piece – who apparently embrace the values of tyrants  we fought the Revolutionary War to escape – we at Washington’s Blog actually believe in American values, such as freedom of the press and other liberties.