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Former AG Loretta Lynch Approved Trump Wiretap, Faces Prosecution

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is likely to face prosecution after she signed off on the FISA court order approving Barack Obama’s request to wiretap Donald Trump. Obama petitioned the FISA court twice during the presidential election, allowing him to tap Trump’s telephone conversations, under the guise of conducting a non-existent “national security investigation.” According to new reports, all applications to the FISA Court last year would have signed off on by Attorney General Loretta Lynch. This has prompted Congress to look into launching an investigation into the Obama administration and Former AG Loretta Lynch, after the White House requested a full criminal probe. reports: The FISA Court was put in place in 1978 when Congress enacted the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA): The Court sits in Washington D.C., and is composed of eleven federal district court judges who are designated by the Chief Justice of the United States.  Each judge serves for a maximum of seven years and their terms are staggered to ensure continuity on the Court.  By statute, the judges must be drawn from at least seven of the United States judicial circuits, and three of the judges must reside within 20 miles of the District of Columbia.  Judges typically sit [...]