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Nuclear Engineer: Fukushima ‘Worst Cataclysm Ever – Will Last 250,000 Years’

An eminent nuclear engineer claims that the triple meltdown at Fukushima is the world’s worst ever cataclysm, and is likely to continue affecting wildlife and humans for the next 250,000 years. According to former nuclear engineer, Anrie Gunderson, scientists were not prepared for the explosive radioactive contamination the Fukushima disaster unleashed on the world. Over and over, people ask me about what happened inside the plants and what is still happening inside with robots fried by radiation, corium that can’t be found, and massive amounts of radioactivity migrating to sensitive estuaries, aquifers, contaminating all the ground water, and polluting the Pacific Ocean… No one has discovered where the nuclear cores have disappeared to.  The $400,000,000 “ice wall” continues to leak… Moreover, the cover-up continues, with the health effects from radiation being camouflaged as stress related illnesses… I decided to share the photographs I took last year in Japan… these photos cannot adequately convey the scientific and human impact of the worst industrial cataclysm in the history of the world… [R]adioactive isotopes will be extreme hazards for 250,000 years, of course no one knows when it will end. reports: BBC Newsday interview with nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen, Feb 28, 2017: “As they get [...]