The Ministry of Defense have announced that 6,000 Western troops led by Britain, the U.S., France, and Italy have invaded Libya after ISIS fighters hijacked a key oil port of Es Sider, thus threatening to take away control of the countries oil infrastructure currently supported by the West. However, the report also suggests that certain Nazi artefacts have been discovered in the region, which the US-UK led invasion is keen to take hold of. reports: According to this report, Libya was deliberately destroyed under orders given by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2011, and who in acting on behalf of powerful and elite US-European oil interests was determined to evict China from Libya because they had secured massive new contracts to develop Libya’s vast untapped oil wealth potential—and which after “Hillary’s War” was started, were forced to evacuate its over 30,000 oil field workers. Even worse about Secretary Clinton in destroying Syria for her Western oil company backers, this report continues, was that she not only ordered US weapons shipments to Libyan terrorists in violation of international law, once Libya was destroyed she further ordered Libyan weapons to be shipped to Syria in order to destroy that nation [...]