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U.S. Gears Up For War Against China, Russia

The decision to put U.S. military forces on “high alert” in South Korea shows that they are gearing up towards war with Russia and China, according to political activist Mike Billington.  Billington says that the world is on the brink of an economic crisis that only China can survive. A fact deemed intolerable by the United States. reports: “The world would go into the worst financial spiraling collapse on a global scale that we’ve seen actually worse than the 1920s and 30s and that’s exactly what’s begun, not only are the markets crashing, but the entire bond market has frozen as a result of the insanity of so-called bail-in where the banks are beginning to steal the bond holders’ deposits in banks across Europe and the United States,” Billington told Press TV on Monday. “So this is a global crash. China will survive this, China’s market is in trouble and there are some slowdown, but they are, in fact, leading a global economic development process, building things all over the world,” he stated. “And it’s this that the British empire cannot tolerate and [US President Barack] Obama as the leading tool of the global financial institution, known as the [...]