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Calais Chaos: Port Closes Down As Migrants Storm Britain

The port of Calais remained closed to the public on Saturday as 500 migrants stormed the port, attempting to enter Britain.  The closure follows a march by 2000 French protestors who protested against migrants living in poor conditions in the northern city of Calais. reports: The protest on Saturday came as British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn visited the region, which is temporary home to about 4,000 migrants camped out in hopes of finding a better life in Britain, across the Channel. French officials said a group of 500 people forced their way through police lines and headed to the port, and 150 people were able to get into the fenced-off area. The Mayor of Calais Natacha Bouchart closed the port and said around 50 migrants made their way on to the P&O-operated vessel. Police are at the scene and water canons have been used on board the ship to try to get the group to leave. Migrants were said to be blocking the gangway, preventing police from getting onboard the boat. P&O said the ship had just crossed from Dover, on the English side of the Channel, and ‘a few trucks’ were still onboard but there were no passengers when the [...]