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Russia’s Humanity and Moral Conscience Are Leading to War

Russia’s Humanity and Moral Conscience Are Leading to War

Paul Craig Roberts

It speaks to the humanity and moral greatness of the Russian government led by Vladimir Putin that Russia consented to a pretend attack in order that Donald Trump could save face. Unfortunately for us all, the consequences of Russia’s generosity will not be the thanks that the Russians deserve. Russia and Putin will get no credit for saving Trump from having to back down or have his naval flotilla sunk and his bombers shot down.

Russia: The Spurned Lover Who Persists

Russia: The Spurned Lover Who Persists

Paul Craig Roberts

Is the Russian Foreign Ministry so brainwashed that it believes the US is a democracy?! A country in which 90%, if not more, of the people are dispossessed is a democracy?! A country ruled by a handful of private interest groups is a democracy?! The success of Washington’s propaganda is extraordinary. Even the Russian government believes it.

Insouciant Russians?

Insouciant Russians?

Paul Craig Roberts

I have often wondered if the Russian media shields Russians from the insulting and derrogatory things that American elites say about Russia and President Putin.

For example, here is Harvard University Professor Graham Allison:
“However demonic, however destructive, however devious, however deserving of being strangled Russia is, the brute fact is that we cannot kill this bastard without committing suicide.”

More Lies from

More Lies from the Presstitutes

Paul Craig Roberts

The shameless liars that comprise the US media intentionally exaggerated the marchers against “gun violance” by four times the acutal number.


Why are the media presstitutes involved in advocacy of agendas and not in reporting factual news?
