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The Great Recession 10 Years Later: Lessons We Still Have To Learn

The Great Recession 10 Years Later: Lessons We Still Have To Learn

Authored by Robert Bruner, op-ed via,

Ten years ago this month, a recession began in the U.S. that would metastasize into a full-fledged financial crisis. A decade is plenty of time to reflect on what we have learned, what we have fixed, and what remains to be done. High on the agenda should be the utter unpreparedness for what came along.

The memoirs of key decision-makers convey sincere intentions and in some cases, very adroit maneuvering. But common to them all are apologies that today strike one as rather lame.

In An Unexpected Outcome, Trump Tax Reform Just Blew Up The Treasury Market

In An Unexpected Outcome, Trump Tax Reform Just Blew Up The Treasury Market

Over the past week we have shown on several occasions that there once again appears to be a sharp, sudden dollar-funding liquidity strain in global markets, manifesting itself in a dramatic widening in FX basis swaps, which - in this particular case - has flowed through in the forward discount for USDJPY spiking from around 0.04 yen to around 0.23 yen overnight. As Bloomberg speculated, this discount for buying yen at future dates widened sharply as non-U.S.
