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The Iran Hawks’ Campaign of Deception

Suzanne Maloney drags Samuels and his Ben Rhodes profile over the coals one more time:

Samuels writes that the underlying intent of the Iran nuclear deal was to “create the space for America to disentangle itself from its established system of alliances with countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel and Turkey” and “effectively begin the process of a large-scale disengagement from the Middle East.”

The Militarization Of America's Police: Despite Obama Promises, War-Weapon Spending Soared In 2014/15

The Militarization Of America's Police: Despite Obama Promises, War-Weapon Spending Soared In 2014/15

The militarization of America's police has been a topic of concern for years (most openly since The Boston Marathon bombing in 2013) but reached a crescendo in 2014 amid Ferguson's riots when the average joe was exposed to MRAPs up close and personal. In October 2014, President Obama began planning to increase funding for military equipment transfers to the police, but then in May 2015, he flip-flopped - proclaiming his goal to de-militarize the police. However, this was another lie.

Surprise! Pervs Target Target

Surprise! Pervs Target Target

Who could have seen this coming? Who? From the Dallas Morning News:
Frisco police are seeking the public’s help identifying a man who recorded a girl in the changing room at a Super Target.

Police said the girl was in the women’s changing room at the store at 3201 Preston Road about 7 p.m. Tuesday when she saw a man peering over the wall with a cellphone pointed at her.

The Colossus and Ben Rhodes

I was fascinated to read the now-infamous New York Times Magazine piece by David Samuels about Ben Rhodes and the Obama Administration’s foreign policy, with special emphasis on the selling of the Iran deal. If you haven’t read it already, you really ought to. It’s as elegantly brutal, nasty and underhanded as you’ve heard – and, precisely for that reason, a superb piece of writing.
