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Visualizing the Future Global Economy by GDP in 2050

Visualizing the Future Global Economy by GDP in 2050

According to a recent report from Goldman Sachs, the balance of global economic power is projected to shift dramatically in the coming decades.

More specifically, analysts believe that Asia could soon become the largest regional contributor to world GDP, surpassing the traditional economic powerhouses grouped together in the Developed Markets (DM) category.

Vintage Viz: The World’s Rivers and Lakes, Organized Neatly

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Vintage Viz: The World’s Rivers and Lakes, Organized Neatly

Rivers and lakes have borne witness to many of humanity’s greatest moments.

In the first century BCE, the Rubicon not only marked the border between the Roman provinces of Gaul and Italia, but also the threshold for civil war. From the shores of Lake Van in 1071, you could witness the Battle of Manzikert and the beginning of the end for the Byzantine Empire.
