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Several Simple Suppositions And Suspicions For 2018

Several Simple Suppositions And Suspicions For 2018

Authored by MN Gordon via The Economic Prism blog,

The New Year’s nearly here.  The slate’s been wiped clean.  New hopes, new dreams, and new fantasies, are all within reach.  Today’s the day to make a double fisted grab for them.


Without question, 2018 will be the year that everything happens exactly as it should.  Some things you’ll be able to control.  Other things will be well beyond your control.

Record-Smashing 2017 Ends With Stock Slamfest - Bitcoin, Bonds, Bullion Best

Record-Smashing 2017 Ends With Stock Slamfest - Bitcoin, Bonds, Bullion Best

Ugly end...

*  *  *

But on the year, the dollar tanked (worst since 2003), stocks and bonds (the long-end) soared higher, commodities rebounded dramatically, cryptocurrencies exploded, and gold had its best year since 2010 as VIX saw its lowest average in history...

and all that driven by the biggest increase in central bank balance sheets since 2011... anyone else feel like this... (our estimate is we are at around the 30 second mark currently)
