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Rotten To The Core

Submitted by Robert Gore via Straight Line Logic blog,

Coercion is inseparable from corruption. When a group coerces with impunity, it steals from, lies to, defrauds, and enslaves the subjugated. The dominant group invariably develops a morally comforting ideology of its superiority and the subjugated’s inferiority. Such relationships are the essence of corruption.

The Federal Reserve's Strange Behavior Makes Perfect Sense

The Federal Reserve's Strange Behavior Makes Perfect Sense

Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

I have made this comment many times in the past, but I think it needs to be stated again here: If you think the Federal Reserve’s goal is to maintain or repair the U.S. economy, then you will never understand why they do the things they do or why the economy evolves the way that it does. The Fed’s job is not to protect the U.S. economy. The Fed’s job is to DESTROY the U.S. economy to make way for a truly global system.

Currency Wars Re-Escalate As Bank Of Korea Eases To Record Low Rate With Surprises Rate Cut

Currency Wars Re-Escalate As Bank Of Korea Eases To Record Low Rate With Surprises Rate Cut

 With the 655th rate-cut globally since Lehman, the Bank of Korea stunned the market tonight and cut rates 25bps to 1.25% (a record low). Only 1 of 18 economists expected a rate cut as it appears record highs in US equities signal nothing about the underlying turmoil in the world's economy. After 6 straight days stronger (against the USD), the Won is sliding back above 1160 as it seems the currency wars are reigniting in AsiaPac...



Soros Returns To Trading With "Big, Bearish" Bets On Economic Turmoil

Soros Returns To Trading With "Big, Bearish" Bets On Economic Turmoil

One month ago, we were stunned to report that none other than billionaire Carl Icahn had taken the net exposure of his hedge fund, Icahn Enterprises, from a modest net 25% short - his recent negative bias on the market was hardly a secret - to a practically apocalyptic, 149% net short which is about as close to betting on a market crash as one could get. 

