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"A Violent Downside Break": Why One Trader Thinks The Christmas "Pain Trade" Will Be Especially Painful

Before you shut down that terminal for the year, hoping that the year is - mercifully - finally over, you may want to consider that according to former Lehman trader and current Bloomberg macro commentator Mark Cudmore, the Christmas pain trade is about to be unveiled, and it will be especially painful for all those short Treasurys. As Cudmore warns, with ten-years stuck in a 2.3%-2.43% range for the past seven weeks, "the arguments are adding up for a violent downside break during the weeks ahead."

Swedish Housing Bubble Pops As Stockholm Apartment Prices Crash Most Since June 2009

Swedish Housing Bubble Pops As Stockholm Apartment Prices Crash Most Since June 2009

Even though Sweden’s property bubble is not the longest running (that accolade goes to Australia at 55 years), it is probably the world’s biggest with prices up roughly 6-fold since starting its meteoric rise in 1995.

Of course, as we noted last month when the SEB's housing price indicator, which measures the difference between those who believe prices will rise and those who expect them to drop, took its first substantial tumble, the era of the steadily inflating housing bubble in Stockholm may finally have come to an end.

Banks Demand 11th-hour Reprieve On Key Part Of MiFID II

Banks Demand 11th-hour Reprieve On Key Part Of MiFID II

The clock is ticking down and there are only about three weeks to go before the dreaded MiFID II regulatory structure is implemented on 3 January 2018. While it’s been difficult to judge the industry’s preparedness for the change, several aspects of the new regulations have attracted the most debate and concern. These have included transaction reporting, unbudling of research costs and whether institutional investors will absorb the costs or pass them on to their clients and trade identifiers.

Australian Central Bank - Bitcoin Is Bad But You'd Love A Digital "e-AUD"

Australian Central Bank - Bitcoin Is Bad But You'd Love A Digital "e-AUD"

Sweden’s Riksbank, the world’s oldest central bank, is exploring the possibility of a digital register-based e-krona; the Reserve Bank of New Zealand is researching whether its physical currency could be replaced by a digital alternative; the Bank of England is trialling blockchain-like systems; the Monetary Authority of Singapore is examining the use of distributed ledger technology for clearing and settlement of payments; and the PBoC said in October that it had completed tests on algorithms for a prototy
