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Summers Warns "1000s Will Die" But Who Are The Real Winners & Losers From Trump's Tax Reform?

While many in the 'resistance' have vociferously denounced the Senate tax reform bill in the last 48 hours, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers took the proverbial biscuit by warning that "thousands will die as a consequence of this new tax bill."

The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the tax bill could reduce insurance coverage by 13m people, which to be conservative we can round down to 10m people.


Trump Tax Plan Greatest Gift Establishment Ever Got

Trump Tax Plan Greatest Gift Establishment Ever Got

The following article by David Haggith was published on The Great Recession Blog:

As soon as President Trump put his Goldman boys, Gary Cohn and Steven Mnuchin, in charge of his tax plan, I knew Trump’s tax plan would never fulfill his and his henchmen’s promises of helping the middle class and of not giving additional tax breaks to the rich. The Trump Tax plan, as it now exists, proves those conjoined promises to be the greatest lie Trump ever told.

Here Are The Negatives In The Republican Tax Plan, According To Wall Street

Judging by the market's euphoric reaction this morning, the Senate's passage of the tax bill on Saturday is nothing but good news for stocks (well, maybe not the Nasdaq). And indeed, banks - whose effective tax rate is around 30% - and other tax-sensitive companies are surging, with banks are outperforming and  sending the KBW bank index up as much as 2.8% to a fresh decade-high (BofA up as much as 3.9% to the highest since Oct. 2008; JPM up as much as 3.4% to record high; Citigroup up as much as 2.7% to highest since Dec. 2008).

Bubble Watch: The Everything Bubble is Riskier and Less Liquid Than Housing

Bubble Watch: The Everything Bubble is Riskier and Less Liquid Than Housing

As we keep emphasizing, the world is in an Everything Bubble.

In truth, it is a bubble in sovereign bonds, created by Central Banks attempting to corner these markets via ZIRP and QE.

However, because sovereign bonds are the bedrock for the current fiat financial system, if they go into a bubble, EVERYTHING goes into a bubble.

