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The Humungous Depression

The Humungous Depression

Submitted by's Robert Gore via The Burning Platform blog,

Economic depressions unfold slowly, which obscures their analysis, although they are simple to understand. Governments and central banks turn recessions into depressions, which are preceded by unsustainable expansions of debt untethered from the real economy. The reduction and resolution of excess debt takes time, and governments and central banks usually act counterproductively, retarding necessary adjustments and lengthening the adjustment, and consequently, the depression.

What DOJ Probe: Citadel Acquires Electronic Trading Pioneer ATD To Cement HFT Dominance

What DOJ Probe: Citadel Acquires Electronic Trading Pioneer ATD To Cement HFT Dominance

Less than a week after Reuters broke the story that the Department of Justice is probing HFT powerhouse Citadel, which admits it executes 35% of all trades by retail investors in U.S.-listed stocks, whether it is also frontrunning those orders (an allegation that many are convinced is a rock-solid fact) we find that billionaire Ken Griffin is not at all concerned about the outcome of the investigation on his core business model and is instead expanding.

Heretical Thoughts And Doing The Unthinkable

Heretical Thoughts And Doing The Unthinkable

Submitted by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by Acting-Man's Pater Tenebrarum),


The Dow rose 222 points on Tuesday – or just over 1% - and everyone was exuberant...but things have not turned out well since. We agree with hedge-fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller: This is not a good time to be a U.S. stock market bull.


Legendary former hedge fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller at the Ira Sohn conference – not an optimist at present, to put it mildly.


