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An Education in Educating

Ears pressed against texts the rhythms of which they have memorized over decades, some professors can similarly syncopate their pupils’ minds and hearts. Students with the sense and luck to find them discover quickly that the status quo in most courses doesn’t apply in this one; regurgitation is anathema. These teachers forge thinkers, showing their pupils how to analyze and assess for themselves.

Colorado School Suspends 5 Year Old For Bringing In Her Bubble Gun

A Colorado school has branded a cheap bubble gun as a “safety concern” and suspended the 5-year old girl who brought it to school under its “zero tolerance” policy. The girls mother apologised but added that the move showed a lack of “common sense.” RT reports: “I apologized right away and said that I am so sorry she did that,” the mother identified only as Emma said, according to ABC-affiliate KMGH. “I appreciate that they’re trying to keep our kids safe, I really do. But there needs to be some common sense.

Her School’s Got A Thousand Problems

Over the weekend, I ran into an old friend who used to live here, and who happened to be in town visiting. Hadn’t seen her in 20 years or more. I asked her if she was still teaching. Yes, she said; she’s now in a poor, rural public school district in another Southern state. She said that she spends a lot of her own money just buying books and supplies for her students.

“There’s no money?” I asked, stunned.

“There’s no money,” she said.

BofA Research Analyst Paul Ciana Stopped Out on Oil Short Call (Video)

By EconMatters Technical Analysis is a tool that requires a lot of Art in its application compiled with the mathematical science underlying the craft.

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Burlington College Closing Due To "Crushing Debt" Incurred Under Presidency Of Bernie Sanders' Wife

Burlington College Closing Due To "Crushing Debt" Incurred Under Presidency Of Bernie Sanders' Wife

In what may or may not be a harbinger of things to come should Bernie Sanders become president, earlier today Burlington College, a small Vermont private school once led by the wife of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, said Monday it will close later this month, citing "the crushing weight" of debt incurred during the president of Jane Sanders who was president of the college until 2011.
