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Elon Musk Thinks We're All Going To Die - Here's His Plan B

Elon Musk Thinks We're All Going To Die - Here's His Plan B

Authored by Simon Black via,

251 million years ago, the Great Permian Extinction wiped out around 96% of Earth’s species.

Scientists call it “the great dying.” And they believe it occurred because of an eruption in Siberia that released more than 200 billion gallons of molten lava.

The lava released large amounts of Sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing the Earth to warm by about 14 degrees Fahrenheit. Acid rain followed.

Experts Issue 2018 Warning: Earth "Had It Easy This Year" With Only 6 Severe Earthquakes

Experts Issue 2018 Warning: Earth "Had It Easy This Year" With Only 6 Severe Earthquakes

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Scientists are warning that 2018 won’t be as “easy” on us as 2017 was when it comes to the number of severe earthquakes they predict.

In 2018, Earth, and one billion of its inhabitants could face 20 severe earthquakes due to the slowing rotation of the planet.

Russia Confirms Toxic Cloud Of "Extremely High" Radiation; Source Remains A Mystery

Russia Confirms Toxic Cloud Of "Extremely High" Radiation; Source Remains A Mystery

One month after a mysterious radiation cloud was observed over Europe, whose source remained unknown last week speculation emerged that it may have been the result of a "nuclear accident" in Russia or Kazakhstan, on Tuesday Russian authorities on Tuesday confirmed the previous reports of a spike in radioactivity in the air over the Ural Mountains. In a statement, the Russian Meteorological Service said that it recorded the release of Ruthenium-106 in the southern Urals in late September and classified it as "extremely high contamination."

Who's Worse For The Environment: Merkel Or Trump?

Who's Worse For The Environment: Merkel Or Trump?

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Who has a worse track record on the environment: President Trump or German Chancellor Angela Merkel?

Let's investigate. 

Trump Stance and Results

On September 19, amid chatter that Trump might reverse his climate stance, CNBC reported Trump is still pulling out of Paris Agreement.

One day ago the LA Times reported As Trump administration touts coal at U.N U.S. cities and states target climate change.
