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Europol Admits ISIS Actively Targeting Refugees To Carry Out Terrorist Attacks In The EU

Europol Admits ISIS Actively Targeting Refugees To Carry Out Terrorist Attacks In The EU

Confirming what most of us deduced long ago via the application of just a bit of common sense, Europol and Frontex, Europe's  border and coast guard agency, are finally admitting that their intelligence indicates coordinated efforts on the part of ISIS to recruit asylum seekers, both in Syria and in migrant camps after they've already reached Europe, to carry out terrorist attacks.  In a report published my Europol, counter-terrorism experts warn that, among other things, "Syrian refugee diaspora may become vulnerable to radicalisation once in Europe and may be spec

Did Donald Trump Just Jump The 'Dow 20,000' Shark?

Did Donald Trump Just Jump The 'Dow 20,000' Shark?

It appears the sugar-high from holiday celebrations is still running through president-elect Trump's veins as his tweets took an even more narcisistic tone on this oh-so-aptly-named 'Boxing Day' in America.

First Trump decided to take credit for the unprecedented short-squeeze in US stock markets - and the Christmas spending numbers...
