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Human Interest

Prince Murder Cover-Up Emerges

It is becoming increasingly clear there is a mainstream media cover up conspiracy about Prince’s death. We are being being fed half truths and outright lies, and the official version of events being reported by the media is implausible to say the least. We need to start asking some questions. It is the very least Prince deserves.

Letter from New Orleans

Letter from New Orleans

The Memory Hole At Work

I really enjoyed reading your article regarding the Letter from Oxford. Here in New Orleans, we are also being forced to go through an eradication of history. Our pandering mayor has also succumbed to Black Lives Matter and has personally forced the issue of removing historic statues. It is so saddening….watching history being pushed down the \”memory hole.\” Thank you for all of your wonderful, enlightening writings. Brigitte New Orleans, Louisiana

Ted "Lucifer" Cruz Responds To John Boehner

It didn't take long for a suddenly dejected by the establishment Ted Cruz to respond to John Boehner's allegation that the presidential candidate is  "Lucifer in the flesh" and that he has "never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life."

According to The Hill, Cruz dismissed the harsh criticism, brushing off the remarks from the establishment figure. Cruz shared a pair of tweets labeling the criticism an "endorsement" coming from Boehner.
