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Human Interest

Dennis Skinner Booted From Parliament For Labelling PM ‘Dodgy Dave’

Labour Member of Parliament Dennis Skinner was thrown out of the House of Commons today for calling Prime Minister David Cameron ‘Dodgy Dave’. The 84-year-old MP for Bolsover used commoners’ language in the house that compelled Speaker John Bercow to banish him from the chamber for the rest of the day. Dennis Skinner did not follow establishment rules and code of honor. The former miner and the man who represents the common man tried to give up on political correctness, as is the norm these days in modern politics.

Parliament To Discuss Elton John In Celebrity Threesome Scandal Debate

Lawyers for Elton John and husband David Furnish have launched an aggressive campaign to silence media outlets from naming the famous pair in an attempt to prevent details of their celebrity threesome scandal from going viral online. Despite this, a British MP has reportedly said he is planning to break the Court of Appeal injunction and will use the protection of parliamentary privilege in order to “out” the famous pair.

It Is Now Compulsory To Microchip Dogs In UK…Will Humans Be Next?

It has now become compulsory for dogs to be microchipped throughout the United Kingdom. Dog owners in the U.K. have a just a few weeks to comply and should local authorities catch dogs without a microchip, the owners could face a fine of up to £500. But as the Daily Sheeple point out, if it’s such good idea, why must it be mandatory?: The government in the United Kingdom has just claimed further ownership of your dog. In a new law, the Crown has granted her subjects the privilege to own a dog but only if the beast is microchipped.

Porn: A Civilizational Crisis

Conor Friedersdorf makes a familiar point: that if porn is so bad for you, why is there less rape and greater support for gender equality?:

None of that answers whether pornography is medically healthy or morally permissible. But given that the rise of ubiquitous porn has coincided with significant declines in rape and spousal abuse, and with increasing support among men for gender equality, how can anyone be confident that it makes men disrespect women, let alone that it causes harm so dramatic that it represents a civilizational threat?

Judge Who Ordered Electric Shock On Defendant Is Fined & Sentenced

The sadistic judge who ordered the electric shock of a defendant in court has been fined and put on probation. Robert C Nalley, a former Maryland judge, was sentenced to anger management classes, a year on probation and was also hit with a $5,000 fine on Thursday. RT reports: Nalley pled guilty to deprivation of rights under color of law for ordering a deputy sheriff to shock a defendant during a 2014 criminal trial, SM News reports. The defendant was wearing a “stun cuff” on his ankle and fell to the ground screaming after he was shocked, as seen in the court video.
